Prairie Writers' Day Re-cap

Yesterday I headed out to Harper College for my first Prairie Writers' Day (SCBWI-IL annual conference).  I was really nervous, it was my first time mingling with people in the industry.  It was also cool to see some authors I've met before and to meet some for the first time. 

We listened to all of the editors (four of them from various publishing houses in NY) and one agent discuss just what the industry is looking for and how to put our best work out there.  One editor sang for us and one did a cartwheel and they were all pretty damn funny. 

In the break out sessions I learned about PR from Cynthea Liu, who is pretty awesome (Paris Pan Takes the Dare, The Great Call of China).  It made me feel like I've got a good start on the PR if only I can get a manuscript published...

I also saw Michael Stearns from the Upstart Crow Literary Agency and made me wish and hope I get an agent as cool as him.  He already passed on Into the Shadows, but I'll give it a go again when I get the next one finished.

Lunch was really cool as we got to sit with the editor or agent of our choice.  I was able to snag a seat at Nick Eliopulos' table, YA editor from Random House.  He was so funny and easy to talk to.  It seriously must be a awesome job to be an editor.  *sigh*  If only I lived in New York!

It was a pretty fascinating day, but a lot to take in all at once.  I felt like I was drunk on information!  But it's back to work today.  I've got my 25,000 words for NaNoWriMo and I'm half way done, but it's still a long two weeks before I have a second finished (well, ready for revision) manuscript ready.  Maybe I'll post the first chapter tomorrow.  Just to give you guys a taste!


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