Where I Write...

So I had a request somewhere down the line to show pictures of my writing desk in all it's creative haphazard glory, like so many other writers have done. I'm sure you're picturing an antique writer's desk, maybe a cork board covered with color-coated sticky notes displayed above, posters featuring my favorite books/movies/musicians, maybe a stereo?

I totally hate to disappoint you...

...but I have nothing of the sort.

I am what they call a nomad.

Any place I can find where people will leave me the hell alone/ignore me is where I write. I can be found writing at any of these locations armed with my MacBook Pro: bed, kitchen table, husband's 'office' (but rarely), couch, desk at work in office, desk in classroom (*all during appropriate lunchtimes!), doctor's office waiting room, in the doctor's examination room (while waiting for doctor), airport, airplane, in the car (not while driving), in hotels, at Caribou Coffee, in the bathroom while kid is in the tub, cool Poang chair in my bedroom,  and probably lots of other places I'm forgetting.

I don't have any regular place to sit and write. I would say my bed is probably the most popular location. I'll sit in bed, put my poor old feet up, put Seinfeld or Friends on for background noise and write away. I have to have background noise. If at my desk at lunch at work, I'll throw on some Mumford & Sons or listen to BBC Radio 1 on the internet. 

That's the whole glorious secret.

Maybe this summer I'll try to get in a routine and write in my Harry Potter room (yes, I have one of those) but I'll need to pick up a table and chair at my local IKEA. Most likely I'll be lying in bed, or on the couch, or sitting at the kitchen table...

Now share with the rest of us, where do you write?


  1. BED! The current residence of all my revision notes, and lots of paper that's been thrown around in an organised manner, y'know because it being a mess just wasn't good enough.


  2. it's beauty full creation of web page ............
    Office Desk Furniture

  3. Anywhere where I can be motivated. A writer needs all the motivation he or she can get so it does not matter where you write for as long in that place you can create the perfect plot for your book, it is good.


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