Bookaday: Regression by Kathy Bell

Regression (Book One: Infinion Series)Regression (Book One of the Infinion Series) - YA

Synopsis: Fourteen-year-old Adya Jordan swears that before her head injury she was a forty-year-old mother of six. Are her memories just a figment of her imagination, or has the world really taken a turn for the worse? All technology is controlled by just one company, and the computers in this new 1985 are nothing like she remembers. She confronts the leaders of megacorp Three Eleven, sure they know more about her predicament than she does, and discovers that although they have twenty-six years to save the world, all they really need is her.

Purchase Info: Kindle | Nook | Smashwords | Print | Sample

Author Info: Kathy Bell is a Canadian high school science teacher and bulldog breeder who squeezes in writing late and night and when her high-school sweetheart husband manages to coax all four kids out the door.

 Find Kathy online: Twitter | Facebook | Blogging | Email


  1. Before my head injury, I was able to complete one coherent thought...wait, where am I?

    On a serious note, thanks for bringing this interesting book into the spotlight. It sounds very intriguing and I am compelled to check it out.


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