Taking a Risk: Update

So I have some interesting numbers/facts for you regarding the first week of posting my YA novel online.

So far, I haven't posted any new followers as a result of posting the novel.

I've had my first email from a fan!

It's difficult to tell how many people are reading it as no one has left any comments.  However, I do have a site monitor which keeps track of visits:

The traffic report for the week of June 26 stated that I had 67 visits and 105 page views that week.  An average visit lasted 1 minute 24 seconds.

For the week ending July 3, which includes the first two days of posting the novel, I had 118 visits and 269 page views.  An average visit lasted 3 minutes 49 seconds.

To be honest, not sure what the difference is between a visit and a view.  I'll have to check that out.  It'll be interesting to see if the numbers hold steady and if readers are invested enough to keep following the story.  I'm going to post portions every Wednesday and Friday for the time being and see how it goes from there.  If demand rises, I can always post on Mondays as well, but we'll see if we get requests for it.

I'm happy to know that people are reading my work, which is really my main goal here.  Again, someone mentioned on my last post the thought of publishing for the Kindle.  I've very much considered that and I am using this to test the waters.  If it can garner an audience online for free, it's possible that some might consider shelling out a couple bucks for it on Amazon. 

I'll be having my first contest next week as well, so maybe that will get the word out there a little more. Be sure to drop by and check that out!  I'll post the details next Monday!


  1. Congratulations! This is so cool . . . thanks for sharing about this process!


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