April Is For #Vampires: Wrap-Up

April ends this Saturday and I have to say, it's been a very fun month. I've enjoyed sharing all sorts of great vampire reads and films with you as we get ready for the Bloody Little Secrets release. Thanks for joining me! My husband (who is kind enough to help me with formatting) and I will be spending the next few days getting the novel formatted and prepared for you! My goal was to have the book out on May 1st (because I love recording sales on a full month) but this is our first time through with formatting and I want to make sure that everything is perfect. It will also take a couple days to upload into the systems.

I can't believe that the release is finally here, I remember starting this book in November 2010 and have really loved every minute I've spent with it. Thanks to my girls at DarkSide, I really think it's the best thing I've ever written, and I really hope you enjoy it! I'll post here as SOON as it's available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I'll also post to Smashwords at some point, but that may take a few more days. I'm looking to have a paperback version ready by the end of May for those without e-readers.

I hope you have a great weekend! In addition to formatting, we'll be celebrating our daughter's 4th birthday (Happy birthday Annikka!) with some family and friends as well as my Dad's birthday (Happy birthday Dad!), so it's pretty much an all-birthday weekend. I sincerely hope they get some nice weather for their birthdays, we've been severely lacking in that department here in the Chicago area lately! I've also got the Royal Wedding scheduled to record and am very much looking forward to checking out how the cousins do as soon as I get home from school! Now where's my tiara?



  1. Enjoy your weekend and good luck with the formatting.

  2. Thanks! So far, we've finished it for the Kindle. My husband got it all set up with MobiPocket Creator. I'm really lucky to have him around, he got it all together and did some of the formatting, then I did the rest, and the MobiPocket thing works nicely getting it ready. Next up is the epub file. :D


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